Sabtu, 06 April 2013

#1 B+W 58mm ND 0.6-4X with Single Coating (102) Best Buy

Cheap B+W 58mm ND 0.6-4X with Single Coating (102) Today.

You can buy B+W 58mm ND 0.6-4X with Single Coating (102) at best price with super saver shipping. See more prices, shipping options, availability and additional information about B+W 58mm ND 0.6-4X with Single Coating (102) by click the link on the bottom of this post.

This B+W Neutral Density Filter reduces the light by two f-stops (log density 0.6), and it is the most popular ND filter in photographic work. It offers many benefits, for instance f/4 instead of f/8 for selective sharpness instead of a great depth of field, or 1/15 s instead of 1/60 s for a flowing instead of a "frozen" waterfall. It has excellent color neutrality, costs less than the denser filters, and is recommended as part of a basic outfit. The filter factor is 4x.

B+W 58mm ND 0.6-4X with Single Coating (102)

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B+W 58mm ND 0.6-4X with Single Coating (102) Overview:

  • This filter uses our standard B+W F-Pro filter mount, which has a front accessory thread and is made of brass.
  • Truly Neutral Gray design
  • Manufactured from Water-White Schott Glass

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B+W 58mm ND 0.6-4X Reviews

9.5 out of 10 based on 50 ratings

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